OB-GYN Associates PC
Obstetrics & Gynecology located in Cedar Rapids, IA
Wondering if a VBAC is the right option for you? The doctors at OB-GYN Associates PC in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, have a high VBAC success rate and want to help you have the safest labor possible. With the goal of a healthy mom and a healthy baby, you will be treated with dedication and compassion. Learn about your options now by calling or scheduling a consultation at OB-GYN Associates PC.
What is a VBAC?
A VBAC is a vaginal birth after a Cesarean section. After you have had a Cesarean section, you have two options for giving birth a second time, either a VBAC or a second Cesarean section.
What are the benefits of a VBAC?
A successful VBAC can be beneficial for you in the following ways:
- No abdominal surgery
- Shorter recovery time after birth
- Lower risk of infection
- Less blood loss
Having a successful VBAC can also prevent certain health issues in the future that are linked to multiple Cesarean sections. These issues may include bowel or bladder injury, hysterectomy, and problems with the placenta in future pregnancies.
A VBAC may also be a good option for you if you want to have more children in the future.
What are the risks of a VBAC?
There are certain risks associated with a VBAC, including infection, blood loss, and more serious complications. In rare cases, your prior Cesarean section scar on the uterus can rupture and may harm both mother and baby.
If your practitioner suspects you are at risk of major complications by attempting a VBAC, they may recommend a second Cesarean. At OB-GYN Associates PC, the medical team always prioritizes a healthy mother and healthy baby, so safety comes first in VBAC cases.
How do I know if I can have a VBAC?
If you would like to have a VBAC, your practitioner will assess the uterine scar from your prior Cesarean section. You cannot tell what type of incision you had based on the scar on your abdomen, so your practitioner will review your medical records from your previous birth to determine how your Caesarian was performed.
Based on this information, your team determines what your risk of rupture is if you attempt a VBAC. For women who have a low transverse incision—the most common type—you have the lowest risk of rupture.
Low vertical and high vertical—also called “classical”—incisions carry larger risks for rupture. Your team works with you, in any case, to determine if a VBAC is a good option for you.
With this information, you make joint decisions with your team to develop a birth plan. Overall, the practitioners at OB-GYN Associates PC have a high VBAC success rate.
If you are considering a VBAC, call or schedule a consultation at OB-GYN Associates PC today to learn more.
Medical Services
Gynecologymore info
Obstetricsmore info
Hysterectomymore info
Women’s Healthmore info
Birth Controlmore info
Pregnancymore info
Robotic Surgerymore info
Pap Smearmore info
Menopausemore info
VBACmore info
Endometriosismore info
Mammogrammore info
Hormone Replacement Therapymore info
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Ovarian Cystmore info
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