
OB-GYN Associates PC
Obstetrics & Gynecology located in Cedar Rapids, IA
By age 50, about half of women may have fibroids, which is a health condition that causes tumors and sometimes unpleasant symptoms. The experienced team of practitioners at OB-GYN Associates PC, located in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, treats fibroid symptoms to ease pain and improve your quality of life. Call to schedule an appointment or book one online today.
Fibroids Q & A
What are uterine fibroids?
Uterine fibroids are muscular tumors that grow in your uterus and are almost always benign (non-cancerous). You may or may not have symptoms associated with fibroids, but if you do, symptoms can include:
- Abdominal pain or pressure
- Heavy menstrual bleeding
- Periods lasting more than a week
- Difficulty emptying your bladder
- Frequent urination
- Back or leg pain
- Constipation
- Enlargement of your lower abdomen
- Pain during sex
In addition to the discomfort uterine fibroids may cause, complications may arise if fibroids aren’t treated, such as anemia from blood loss, infertility, or problems during pregnancy.
What causes fibroids?
The cause of fibroids isn’t entirely clear but could be due to genetics or hormone changes. Certain factors increase your risk for developing fibroids, such as:
- Being in your 30s and 40s (until you reach menopause)
- Family history of fibroids
- Obesity
- Being African American
- Eating lots of red and processed meat (such as ham)
Choosing a healthy diet containing lots of green vegetables can protect against developing fibroids.
How are fibroids treated?
The experienced medical team at OB-GYN Associates PC treats fibroids using surgical and non-surgical methods. If you don’t have symptoms, watchful waiting might be an option. Other treatment options include:
Your gynecologist may recommend medications that ease pelvic pain related to fibroids, reduce heavy menstrual periods, or help block estrogen or progestin production.
A myomectomy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that removes fibroids but leaves the uterus intact. This may be a good option if you’re planning to have children in the future.
A hysterectomy is a surgical procedure that removes the uterus where fibroids are located. The presence of fibroids is the most common reason for hysterectomies in the United States.
Endometrial ablation
During minimally invasive endometrial ablation, your doctor destroys the uterine lining using wire loops, an electric current, a laser, boiling water, freezing, or microwaves.
Another minimally invasive procedure used to remove fibroids is called myolysis. During this procedure, your gynecologist inserts a needle into the fibroids and uses freezing or an electric current to destroy them.
Uterine fibroid embolization
Uterine fibroid embolization is a minimally invasive procedure using a thin tube to cut off blood supply to fibroids. This causes fibroids to shrink and die, often relieving unpleasant symptoms.
Which fibroid treatment is right for me?
The best fibroid treatment for you depends on whether or not you have symptoms, and if you plan to have children in the future. Call OB-GYN Associates PC to consult a knowledgeable provider and learn more, or schedule an appointment online today.
Medical Services
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