
OB-GYN Associates PC
Obstetrics & Gynecology located in Cedar Rapids, IA
Pregnancy is an exciting time in life, but it can also come with questions and concerns. The practitioners at OB-GYN Associates PC in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, have more than 250 years of combined experience caring for moms-to-be. So when you have questions, concerns, or simply want a doctor that shares in your joy, visit OB-GYN Associates PC. Call or schedule an appointment online now to begin your journey.
Obstetrics Q & A
What obstetrics services are available?
The doctors at OB-GYN Associates PC provide comprehensive care for women from preconception through pregnancy and delivery. When you meet with your practitioner, you discuss your health history and any medical conditions or symptoms you are experiencing.
Your team will guide you through your pregnancy, labor, and postpartum period so that you have the best care possible for yourself and your baby. Since pregnancy is such an intimate time, your team works with you to achieve the pregnancy and birth experience you desire in a safe, supportive environment.
What is prenatal care?
Prenatal care involves regular checkups to assess how you are doing during your pregnancy and how your baby is developing. At each visit, your doctor will check your weight, blood pressure, and urine to screen for any changes that might signal complications.
Your baby will also be checked utilizing ultrasound technology at certain visits. With the ultrasounds, you are able to see your baby while your doctor examines your little one’s growth and development. You can also enjoy 3D and 4D ultrasound pictures so you can see your baby whenever you want.
What happens when I’m in labor?
Once you go into labor, you will refer to the birth plan you have developed with your team during your prenatal visits. Based on your birth plan, you go to the hospital when you are ready to deliver.
Your practitioner wants you to have the safest labor possible and works with you to achieve the delivery you want. Your health and the health of your baby are our highest priorities. Building a trusting relationship with your team and working together during labor will help you and your baby enjoy the best outcomes.
What is postpartum care?
Once you have delivered your baby, you will visit a practitioner for a follow-up visit about six weeks after giving birth. At this visit, your team will ask how you’re doing with your recovery and adapting to motherhood or life with multiple children.
Your visit will also include screenings for depression and anxiety and a physical exam to check how your body is healing after birth. Your team will provide guidance and resources for you and your baby as needed.
If you’re expecting and want the best care for you and your baby, call OB-GYN Associates PC or schedule a visit online today.
Medical Services
Gynecologymore info
Obstetricsmore info
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Pregnancymore info
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VBACmore info
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STD Testingmore info
Incontinencemore info
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